**This is an old revision of the document!**
−Table of Contents
- everything is monitoring continuously, concept of a person arises naturally from the data based on activity.
- list of person records
- helpful for person record to have cryptocoin deposit addresses, gpg public key
- perhaps manual adjustments of person associated with irc nick/github username/etc (indieweb me links?)
Whuffie score
- key/value pairs of topic:score
- score = 0..1
Score rules
- IRC rule (topicname='irc')
- zrobo monitors nick presence in #pdxtech, counts the hours
- zrobo counts lines spoken
- zrobo counts number of times addressed by someone
- GitHub rule (topicname='github')
- Account exists
- Number of stars across all repos
Basic income
- paid in any crytocoin for which receiving address is available
- amount based on available pool and whuffie score
secretsociety.1425509295.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/31 04:08 (external edit)