**This is an old revision of the document!**
1st half February 2009:
- Finish OAUTH (DONE)
2nd half February 2009:
- Android Market Paid App (DONE)
- Amazon FPS integration on the server
- free/lite version in the market
Possible forks:
- Common location sharing protocol (w/ Seth Fitzsimmons)
- CouchDB
- Analysis processes: stationary position → shizzow checkin
- User-contributed analysis code. Sandboxed Ruby. or Yahoo Pipes-like.
- Multiple write locations managed on the client
- Support APIs for brightkite, shizzow, fireeagle
- Show RSS entries less than X hours old
- RSS entry proximity alarm
- Server hardware upgrade
- rails - Move sql data out of postgis
- rails - Move to ruby 1.9.1/rails 2.3
- Support google latitude API when available
- Activity Log (helps with GPS debugging)
(Dec 2009) 1st half January 2009
- Authenticated URL between android client and rails server.
- make a plan for taking payment. paypal, amazon FPS, credits.
2nd half January 2009
- implement payment plan
- general release plan (direct from, possibly android market)
- general release implementation
(1 Feb 2009) Update 1st and 2nd half of January: OAUTH hell
icecondor/roadmap.1235335658.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/31 04:08 (external edit)