**This is an old revision of the document!**
MicroQuadCopter inspirid by the Estes Proto X and the CrazyFlie.
- basic quadcopter flight
- telemetry
- ground commands
- autonomous operation
- frame
- 3D printed motor mounts, frame core
- arms: 3d printed or carbon fiber
- Flight Controller
- Teensy LC primary processor ($11)
- motors
- 7mm generic ($21 for 4, ebay)
- brushless ZMR1804 ($9/ea, $36)
- Accelerometer board
- MPU-6050 ($2)
- Wifi board ESP8266 ($3)
- Sonar board ($3)
Total: $
An OSHPark pcboard using through-hole tech to be heart of the copter.
Power lines
- Lipo
- Teensy LC
- ESP8266
- MPU 6050
- Speed controller(x4)
- Teensy - MPU6050 = I2C
- Teensy - ESP8266 = Serial
- Teensy - ESC = AnalogOut
Circuit layout app: ?
protoh-copter.1426197209.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/31 04:08 (external edit)