**This is an old revision of the document!**
web/SVG version (currently out of date) (currently out of date)
input format: HTTP get/post variables
output format: JSON
success/error reporting: HTTP response code
the id field in icecondor is a URI, with some standard URNs defined.
A person is generally defined by their OpenID URL.
If there is no identified URL for the user, a regular guid can be generated.
The follow URNs are used to build an icecondor id when the MAC address of a wifi access point or a bluetooth device are known.
urn:wifi:00:11:22:33:44:55 urn:bluetooth:00:11:22:33:44:55
Update location
POST /locations input: id=<id> lat=<x> long=<y> alt=<z> time=<2008-09-05T22:00Z (ISO8601)> HDOP=<Horizontal Dilution of Precision> VDOP=<vdop> PDOP=<pdop> or id=<id> next_to=<other id> radius=<in meters> output:
GET /locations/<guid> input: search filters: radius=<radius> - return the last record for any ids in the radius lat=<lat> - center the search on this lat/long long=<long> alt=<alt> (optional) or id=<id> - center the search on the last location for this id output: returns the most recent post. [id,lat,long,alt,time,radius]
icecondor/api.1221425396.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/31 04:08 (external edit)