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Warning: Undefined array key 2 in /home/donp/sites/ on line 79

Warning: Undefined array key 2 in /home/donp/sites/ on line 79


wifi sensor board


oshpark board $2.40
esp8266 $2.09
antenna $0.47
LM1117 3.3v $0.04
usb type b $1.23

parts total: $6.23


hw-rev mac nickname versions
FTL 2016-Sep io4] 5c:cf:7f:14:2f:19 (oddball power lead) flash fail 2019-02-13
FTL 2016-Sep io4] 5c:cf:7f:15:03:aa electrical tape gum PHY 1136_0 pp ver 10.2 SDK 2.1.1 NodeMCU 2019-02-14
FTL 2016-Sep B io4
FTL 2016-Sep C2 io2 :45:5f SDK 200 NodeMCU 2017-05-12
FTL 2017-May D1 io2 5c:cf:7f:d5:7e:da first dotstar PHY 1134-0 pp ver 10.2 SDK 2.1.0 2017-05-05
FTL 2017-May E1 io :69:e9 PHY 1136-0, pp ver: 10.2 SDK 221 NodeMCU 2018-11-18
FTL 2017-May E1 io2 18:fe:34:d4:42:97 marble16 SDK 2.1.0 NodeMCU 2017-07-22

FTL 2016-July


May 2016 Rev


July 2016 rev

  • fix capacitor trace
  • connect center ground pins
  • 15 to gnd, use one of the center pins

Pinout data


Pin Experiments


  • WORKS GND: 1[gnd],9[GPIO15/sdcard],17,18,19,20[4xcenter_ground] PWR: 3,4[cdpd],12[GPIO0/load-flash],11[GPIO2/justhigh]

2016 Sep esp-square boot ' ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6)'

2016 Sep esp-square download ' ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(1,6)'

2017 fail 'ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:1, boot mode:(5,7)'

boot device:
    1: ram
    3: flash

boot mode (x,y); x = [. . . . . GPIO15 GPIO0 GPIO2]

mode15 0 2
1L L H Download from UART
3L H H SPI Flash boot
>=4H x x SDCard boot

reset causes

 reset causes:
      1: normal boot
      2: reset pin
      3: software reset
      4: watchdog reset


  • Dust DSM501A
  • Gas TGS2600
  • Sound SPH0641LU4H-1
  • Temp DS18B20
  • Light

Pins that matter for NodeMCU

  • Grounds: 1 or [17,18,19,20]
  • Power: 3
  • NeedHigh: 4[float ok], 11[float ok], 12[float ok]
  • NeedLow: 9

AT Firmware also wants

  • NeedHigh: 4

Sep 2016 changes

  • Cut pin 5!
  • drop status led?
  • swap ANT and NeoPx
  • add single neopx?

Reflow technique

warmup while on 'W' on WARM
place board 
wait until 0:15
turn up heat
wait until 1:30

September FTL 2016 changes

  • put GPIO2 on the NeoPix port
  • route gpio2 to 3535 neopix, then to neopix port.
  • smaller regulator?
  • swap temperature/ds18 pins
  • usb serial chip? on the front of the square board, with handsolder pins

Square Sep 2016

Assembly notes

  • 3535 goes in with window square thing UP
  • first: power led+resistor+usb
  • test: lm1117 in/gnd pads for +5
  • second: esp8266
  • third: lm1117
  • test: 3535 pwr/gnd pads
  • fourth: 3535


  • 5v rail fix!
  • wider 3535 pads
  • two 3535 slots
  • jst-whatever plugs all around
  • +5v input/gnd pinholes


  • consider neopix port 5v as power source to board
  • plug/terminator for neopx strip, with wifi and apps! JST-SM connector (3pin)
  • light sensor
  • oled big connector on bottom
  • TODO: reevaluate GPIO0, SDCARD, GPIO2 to NeoPix port & Onboard Pix?

New Parts

Square 8285 Oct 2016

  • 8285 GND unconnected! (fixed)
  • power/status leds resistor in parallel (fixed)

8285 Nov 2016

  • ESP needs a 26MHz Clock + 2 10pF caps
  • JST connecors were changed to the wrong size
  • power CAP back-fed into data pin and fried! zener diode BAT-54S?
  • level-shifter BSS138L for neopix gpio?
  • 330 ohm gpio?

8285 Jan 2017

  • Connect EXT_RESET to 10k R + high
  • Connect R12 to 12k R + low
  • add pinout for SPI/ADA102?

Feb 2017

  • Fix cross-wiring at 3535

March 2017, back to 8266EX

  • NodeMCU Build
    • package list: (std) + ws2812, mdns

June 2017

  • notes: major flashing trouble.
    • fixed: bad row on breadboard
    • not sure fix: esptool --flash_freq 80m --flash_mode dio
  • Todo
    • add SPI interface (add 10k resistor to pin9/gpio15)
    • order more!

Rev 2017 May D1

Rev 2017 May E1

  • Drop pin9 resistor, restore ground
  • Run clk and mosi to bottom/neopix row (share clk)

Setup notes Sep 2017

  • Flash nodemcu-master-13-modules-2017-07-22-16-46-41-float.bin
  • Load init.lua, rainbow.lua, wifigo.lua

Rev 2019 Jan

    • update: only MOSI & CLK needed.
      • update: any two gpio pins work
esp-ftl.1550805211.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/31 04:08 (external edit)