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Android Social Location Network (Sep 2008)

Two halves to the App:
Location | Social network
The location piece is the essence of the app and will be built first. It can be built without any social awareness. Detection of objects within a given radius will be useful. Due: WhereCamp Oct 18 2008

Half 1: Location

Use IceCondor for location storage and alerts.

Display a gmap or a list of objects within a given radius.

Half 2: Social network

Use a URL/OpenID for identity.

Use xfn spider service or for friend discovery.


Allow for scheduled future locations/automatic checkins.

Payment? micropayments with Amazon FPS. The group leaders will be invested enough to pay. Following one who has paid is free. So you either ride the coattails of a bigwig, or pay your way to be a big fish in a little pond.

dotcom/androidsociallocationnetwork.1221150208.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/31 04:08 (external edit)