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Table of Contents
August 8th and 9th
A day trip or overnight/camping trip to Bagby hotsprings.
For those going overnight and need to carpool, please signup here.
Name | How Many | Need carpool | Have Car | Note | |
Don Park | donpdonp | 1 | yes | no, can zipcar | I love the outdoors |
Bram Pitoyo | brampitoyo | 1 | yes | no | Will be LiveTweeting the event via cellphone ;) |
Amber Case | caseorganic | 1 | no | ? | Will be being amused at Bram's incapability to live tweet the event due to lack of cell phone reception in the wilderness. |
Steven Walling | StevenWalling | 1 | yes | no, can zipcar | Bear and Blog 2.0! |
Stuff to bring
- Backpack
- Sleeping Bag or Hammock (Elevation: 2280)
- Tent (optional)
- Eating/cooking utensils
- Bathing suit and towel
- Something to eat for dinner on Saturday
- Something to eat for breakfast and possibly lunch on Sunday
More info
This is a camping trip to Bagby Hot Springs, not a hot springs trip where we happen to camp. The hot springs are fantastic, but if you're not interested or have an aversion to a clothing optional environment (some wear suits, others do not) you're more than welcome to come just for the camping. The spot we picked last time was a great location with a fire pit next to the river.
The TwitterCamp or CampCamp or Bear and Blog or Twittering Man.
August 16th to 17th (Saturday to Sunday)
Signup sheet
Name | How Many | Need carpool | Have Car | Note | |
Don Park | donpdonp | 1 | car A | no | I love the outdoors |
Bram Pitoyo | brampitoyo | 1 | car A | no | Will be LiveTweeting the event via cellphone ;) |
Amber Case | caseorganic | 1 | no | car A | Will be being amused at Bram's incapability to live tweet the event due to lack of cell phone reception in the wilderness. |
Steven Walling | StevenWalling | 1 | car A | no, but can zipcar if needed | Hoping it isn't as hot up there |
Follow Oregon 224 from the Portland area. Continue beyond Estacada approximately 32 miles. Shortly after Ripple Brook Ranger Station, watch for signs for Bagby Hot Springs. Turn right on Forest Road 46 for 3.5 miles, bear right on Forest Road 63 for 3.5 miles, then turn right on Forest Road 70 for 6 miles. The parking lot is posted on the left.
Stuff to bring
- Backpack
- Sleeping Bag
- Tent or Hammock
- Bowl and Spoon
- Cup
- Bathing Suit (no need for towel really, air-dry fast on a hot day)
- Something to eat for dinner
- Something to eat for breakfast
Don is bringing
- Camp stove
- Small pot
- Rice (uncooked) to share. the pot is tiny so it'll take time to cook each person's food.
- 3 or 4 pieces of Firewood
Steven is bringing
- a tarp
- 1 gallon agua (there isn't anything but mineral water from teh springs up there)
- one 6-pack Full Sail pale ale, I have first dibs on this one.
I'm bringing enough food for four of us. Dinner is contingent on fire. I plan on doing tin foil cooking in the fire. no fire = dinner FAIL
- kosher hotdogs (no buns, bring your own if you want)
- corn on the cob
- wee red potatoes
- hummus & blue corn chips
- anus of swine
I should have enough for a light breakfast for four.
- hardboiled eggs
- cheese bagels
- fruit: 2 each of bananas, oranges, apples. a bunch of medjool dates.
- monkey brains
- soymilk
- muesli
Bram is bringing
- His semi-decent ability to cook