Crowdfunding Site features and comparison.

general purpose contribution collection for projects public and private, small and large.

name cost CC processor special features min funding 5% + CC fee amazon 4% + CC fee paypal/? collect any amount $500 3% + CC fee wepay 3% + CC fee on-site/godaddy 0% for now + CC fee poundpay 5% + CC fee paypal/wepay
contribution rewards based on contribution amount X
fixed date project project closes at date X
fixed price project more contributors means less collected per contributor
stop price project closes once sufficient contributions are collected
private project a hard-to-guess url, anyone with the url can view, contribute
abort refund donations-to-date at any time
payment processor choice choice of payment processors
forever project project closes manually (1yr payment limit)
social point reward threshold Klout?
donor profile
donor subscription $10/mo, disbursed manually throughout the month, or auto assignment based on interests
funding level rewards unlock as total reaches limits
friends project facebook friends can view, contribute
Project name photo description amount due date *user
Contribution *project amount
name cost market
rockethub 4% fee + 4% normalized CC fee “creative” projects
startersfund 9% + listing fee startups+incubating
fundraise 7.5% nonprofits


Payment Processors