## Membership * continuous monitoring of services, person record created automatically from minimum amount of coherent activity. * result: every changing list of person records * helpful for a person record to have cryptocoin deposit addresses, gpg public key * perhaps manual adjustments of person associated with irc nick/github username/etc (indieweb me links?) ## Whuffie score * key/value pairs of {"username" :{**topic**:**score**, ... }} * score = 0..1 * example 'donpdonp' : { 'irc':0.9332, 'github': 0.712, 'reddit': 0.04 } ## Score rules * 'irc' rule * zrobo monitors nick presence in #pdxtech, counts the hours * zrobo counts lines spoken * zrobo counts number of times addressed by someone * 'github' rule * Account exists * Number of stars across all repos * 'reddit' rule * posts to 'important'/local reddits * karma * 'twitter' rule * activity? * social graph * 'ebay' rule * activity/rating * 'ask' rule * allow people to simply ask for more resources ## Basic income * paid in any crytocoin for which receiving address is available * amount based on available pool and whuffie score * optional: balance of deposit address is monitored, and 'amonut spent since last deposit' is considered. allows those who dont need it to opt-out by doing nothing.