# PagePay A simple system of micropayments from browsers to websites via HTTP headers and crypto coins. ## Protocol #### Request Header X-Page-Pay: "" #### Response Header: X-Page-Pay: "" ## User Flow #### Add to wallet Click on UI button, btc address displayed for deposits, along with balance. 3rd party api required for balance check. #### Opt-in/Whitelist ``` Browser's before-hook for any URL visit (url bar, mouse click, redirect, etc) if URL presence on whitelist add X-Page-Pay: "detail" to request headers light up UI button to indicate payment sent else If response headers have X-Page-Pay light up UI button to indicate possibility of adding URL to whitelist ``` #### Payment Policies * Rate Limited, Fixed Amount * Send a fixed amount Y to every visited page on the whitelist * Rate limit of X payments per URL per hour ## Firefox addon [UI button on main toolbar]