# ideas ## Door Access * Android app * Hold printed qrcode up to webcam * iBeacon key fob * https://github.com/ctrlh/accesscontrol ## Roof * Antennas * local wifi / personaltelco * cubesat ground tracking / ISS receive * airplane transponder receive * Quadcopter hangars ## Network * was:routerboard doing traffic analysis / web interface / upstream connectivity report * is: Intel NUC with Arch Linux ## Back Yard * Buried ethernet to the garden * Bike parking * pull-up bar, diy jungle gym # odd jobs * Monitor the 3D print queue (octoprint/etc), remove the last print from the printer, start the next one * Review the webcam motion captures * (future)Grind the old pla prints into bits # config notes * MotionPie ``` ./writeimage.sh -d /dev/sdb -i motionPie-20150112.img -n CTRLH:3216549870 -s ```